Thursday, September 24, 2009

getting there

this past week we finally did an entire trip around the city without a guide. we took buses and matatus from home to south b and back all by ourselves. we have been lucky enough to have guides all around us so we havent been hung out to dry in our transportation at all. and now we have got a good enough grasp of the ropes that we can get around without help for the most part. we also have went to and from church unaided a few times this week. im pretty sure we got overcharged on at least one matatu ride.

today at church wiki (yes mom, i will eventually post pictures of people) taught us how to make kenyan tea. its pretty easy, and now i have its secret locked in my mind forever, i think. the best part about knowing how to make kenyan tea is that next time at ubc when we decide to do a kenyan day....we wont screw up the kenyan tea.

ill actually give quick, probably inadequate directions
combine 1 part milk with 3 parts water. ex. 500ml milk and 1500ml water
pour into pot and bring to boil
once boiling, add two tea bags (for amount given above)
let the bags bounce around for about 5 minutes while still simmering
remove bags
pour into cups and add lots of sugar

wiki has also said he will teach us how to make chipati, which is amazing and super kenyan.

i thought that handling public transportation, making tea, and making chipati should set us well on our way to being honorary kenyans, but wiki told me that there were many more things he would show us, so i guess we still have a long way to go

we went to ktdp in kibera the last couple days. it is a school loosely associated with city harvest. sarah has some art supplies and we did stuff with a couple of their classes. my experience with kids and art has come entirely from waco arts up till this point. waco arts, at least in its initial stages (south terrace) was more like chaos with attempted organization. therefore i was completely unprepared for the kids to quietly and quickly accomplish whatever it is you asked them to do. the first day (and second day too) all activities went super fast. it was weird to realize that it was harder to plan a lesson when the kids actually listened and did the work, rather than anything but.

it was also hilarious the way the little kids mobbed us. i legitimately couldnt move for fear of crushing a kid.

spent time at the hairdressing school today, and will be back in south b tomorrow, possibly attempting to learn to knit or something like it


  1. please tell me they sang the jesus power, super power song

  2. they sang us songs both days, but i never really made out the words they were saying. the might have. they sway their hips a lot when they sing, its great. and also when they present in front of the class and the class claps
