Friday, September 18, 2009

hiv/aids training

the last few days have been hiv/aids training for women before they can join a post test club. i learned a lot about hiv, the drugs used to fight it, and how long and normal life can be even when someone has hiv. because most of the talking was done in swahili, we used a lot of time to try to learn words and phrases from sarahs handy swahili roughguide book.

we got some iced coffee at java house the other day which was pretty much blissful. i love coffee. she gave me some pointers for communicating better- speak slower, pick words carefully, dont go off on tangents and use needless words like i tend to do.

some differences kind of set in too. the way water is such a commodity here, as opposed to turning on any tap anywhere in america and having drinking water. i really got hit with that as i saw about 30 women lined up waiting to get water that was not even clean. one activity done during the training was to set out a days worth of food for five people on a 100 shilling budget. that is $1.33. maybe a loaf of bread back home

1 comment:

  1. Wade, glad to hear that you are enjoying Nairobi. Learning about HIV/AIDS sounds like a good thing to be doing too. Tom has never been to Africa so we are a little envious.
    Chris Sine
