Sunday, September 27, 2009


i just read sarahs blog about last week and the hiv/aids training. she does a wayyyy better job of explaining the significance of the training for those involved than i did (and of how much we learned). so just go read her blog if you havent already.

today we went with boniface to his church service for the street boys. this time we went to where they sleep, on a slab of concrete beside the river, or under the bridge. it was a little more sobering than the first time we went out with him, because we got to see them at their dwelling place, and in the light their overall dirty and unkeptness is more obvious. it was good, im really glad that we got to go see them where they sleep.

there are certain things in my life which i have grown up with no appreciation for. i have probably tested them out at some point long ago, failed, and then written them off all over again. aside from blogging for the first time in my life the last month or so, i have attempted to journal while here for the first time as well.

after church with boniface today we went to java house.

i have been reading (re)understanding prayer by kyle lake this past week. there were some things which i wanted to write about today, so i did that. but while reading, i kept remembering other things and kept journaling. there are some things that have been bouncing around my head for the last couple years that i finally decided to write down. then i kept connecting those ideas with other things that i have thought about, just not in conjunction with those other ideas before. by the end i was kicking myself to never writing my thoughts down before, and very satisfied with the time i had put into writing. i guess a lot of it centered around my perception of prayer and trying to figure out what factors contributed to putting my perception of prayer at its current place.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Wade for sharing your thoughts, and thanks so much for the photos!! Where do we find Sarah's blog?
